
The letters exchanged between 默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦 (1728-1814) and 汉娜•温斯洛普 (baptized 1727-1790) provide a remarkable window into the daily lives of families living through the challenges of revolution and nation building. 老师, 学生, and history enthusiasts are urged to explore history through the eyes and pens of those who participated in the extraordinary events of the period. These intimate letters (written between 1752 and 1789) offer readers an opportunity to connect with the past by imagining themselves in the narrative. The correspondence between Warren and Winthrop reveals the important roles that women played in the revolutionary era. The letters from 汉娜•温斯洛普 to 默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦 are original manuscripts, 然而沃伦写给温斯洛普的信却不是这样. Warren's are from a letterbook (a manuscript volume containing handwritten copies of outgoing letters), 由身份不明的转录者编译.


Letter from Hannah Tollman (later 汉娜•温斯洛普) to 默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦, 28 February 1752
汉娜·温斯洛普的信 sharing her sadness about the death of her father from smallpox and declining an invitation from Mercy's parents to stay with them.


汉娜·温斯洛普的信 to 默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦, 6 October 1768
汉娜·温斯洛普的信 thanking Mercy for renewing their friendship by writing and sharing news of the recent and untimely death of their acquaintance, 夫人. 沃尔多.


汉娜·温斯洛普的信 apologizing for not writing sooner on account of her husband John's long illness, 分享她对好友索菲娅去世的悲伤, 邀请梅茜和她的丈夫, 詹姆斯, 参观.
汉娜·温斯洛普的信 to 默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦, 6 September 1769
汉娜·温斯洛普的信 asking Warren 参观 and calling her a "sincere & 善良的朋友."


汉娜·温斯洛普的信 to 默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦, 5 November 1771
汉娜·温斯洛普的信 sharing her gratitude for the Warrens' recent hospitality in Plymouth and sharing the news of the death of her longtime friend, 夫人. 贝尔彻.
Letter from 默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦 to 汉娜•温斯洛普 (letterbook copy), [1771年11月5日以后], “我知道我的朋友会高兴的..."
默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦的慰问信. Winthrop's recent illness and expressing concern about who might be appointed the next president of Harvard.


汉娜·温斯洛普的信 to 默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦, 1 January 1772
汉娜·温斯洛普的信 sending "Sympathy with you under your late trouble" and hoping her letter can provide "any Alleviation."
汉娜·温斯洛普的信 conveying her gratitude for their friendship, 她丈夫约翰生病期间的焦虑, 还有她对政治“被野心蒙蔽双眼”的不满 & 统治欲."
汉娜·温斯洛普的信 to 默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦, 14 August 1772
汉娜·温斯洛普的信 sharing her thoughts on "the Little amusements of Life,他最近拜访了默茜的儿子, and her own "Widohood" during her husband's "pursuit of health upon the water with Mr. 汉考克."


汉娜·温斯洛普的信 to 默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦, 4 January 1773
汉娜·温斯洛普的信 sharing her thoughts on current relations between "this once happy Country" [America] and "this Royal Vengance" [England].
Letter from 默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦 to 汉娜•温斯洛普 (letterbook copy), February 1773
默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦的信,讨论诗歌和写作, 马萨诸塞州日益紧张的局势, 并鼓励温斯洛普一家春天一到就来拜访.
Letter from 默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦 to 汉娜•温斯洛普 (letterbook copy), April 1773
Letter from 默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦 chastising her friend for worrying excessively over illnesses and hoping that by the time she reads the letter that she will be in possession of a more positive outlook. 
汉娜·温斯洛普的信 telling of her husband's long illness over the winter and her hopes that he would be able to attend the upcoming "important election" as a member of the Governor's Council.
Letter from 默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦 to 汉娜•温斯洛普 (letterbook copy), July 1773
Letter from 默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦 rejoicing in "the calm delights of solitude" away from the city of Boston at her Clifford Farm house near Plymouth.
汉娜·温斯洛普的信 to 默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦, 10 November 1773
汉娜·温斯洛普的信 criticizing "the India companys sending their Tea to the Colonies for the security of the unconstitutional Revenu."


汉娜·温斯洛普的信 to 默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦, 1 January 1774
汉娜·温斯洛普的信 apologizing that she has "no news of a domestick kind to tell you" but sharing her patriotic fervor and insisting that "even American daughters are Politicians Patriots and will aid the good work with their Female Efforts."
Letter from 默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦 to 汉娜•温斯洛普 (letterbook copy), [1774年1月1日以后], 当我拿起笔的时候, 我决定离开..."
Letter from 默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦 sharing her determination "to leave the field of politicks to those whose proper busines it is to speculate and to act at this important crisis". 然而,作为一个母亲和妻子,她不能这样做. 一封激动人心的信.
Letter from 默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦 to 汉娜•温斯洛普 (letterbook copy), 30 January 1774
Letter from 默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦 expressing concern over Winthrop's husband's declining health, 代表大会的政治气氛, 并祝温斯洛普一家新年快乐.
Letter from 默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦 to 约翰·温斯洛普 and 汉娜•温斯洛普 (letterbook copy), [1774年2月11日以后], “我的朋友们会容忍我吗 ..." ...
Letter from 默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦 expressing her sympathies for a recent loss and offering "a mournful sigh for the condition of humanity."
汉娜·温斯洛普在信中赞扬了约翰先生. Winthrop's trip to Boston to "deliver his Country from that Iron Yoke of slavery" and sharing the news that Colonel [John] 汉考克 "is extremely ill with the Gout."
Letter from 默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦 to 汉娜•温斯洛普 (letterbook copy), August 1774
Letter from 默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦 discussing the 政治 of the formation of a "new Council."
汉娜·温斯洛普的信 to 默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦, 27 September 1774
这封信来自马萨诸塞州坎布里奇的汉娜·温斯洛普., to 默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦, describes an increase in "Loads of english goods...波士顿颈部的防御工事, (和)巨大的佳能现在安装在那里,她担心这些都是与英国即将爆发战争的迹象. She also describes in great detail the lavish wedding of the Prince of Prussia to illustrate the "empty pagentry" of rapacious rulers.
汉娜·温斯洛普的信 to 默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦, 27 October 1774
汉娜·温斯洛普的信 imploring for "divine Illumination" during the "present Crisis," and asserting her hope that "That Infinite unceasing power will yet be for us & 在他自己的时间把我们从困难中解救出来."


汉娜·温斯洛普的信 to 默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦, 3 January 1775
汉娜·温斯洛普的信 expressing her hope that 詹姆斯 Warren and Congress will persevere in the cause of liberty and her fear of the consequences if they fail. Winthrop also praises the other colonies for sending supplies to Boston, which is suffering under the Boston Port Bill and other Acts of Parliament.
Letter from 默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦 to 汉娜•温斯洛普 (letterbook copy), February 1775
Letter from 默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦 supporting 约翰·温斯洛普's decision to continue teaching mathematics at Harvard and not join the Congress, sharing  that "we have much to hope from a meeting of the Delegates from all the Colonies" concerning "the fate of both Great Britain and America."
汉娜·温斯洛普的信 sharing "the Encomiums the worthy Mr Adams has given" regarding Mr. 和夫人. Warren and hoping that she will soon be able to move back to Cambridge from Concord, "只要波士顿免遭第二次入侵".
汉娜·温斯洛普的信 describing their harrowing journey to Andover, "alternately walking & 骑着马,路上满是惊恐的妇女 & 孩子们有的坐着手推车,带着他们最高的家具."
Letter from 默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦 to 汉娜•温斯洛普 (letterbook copy), 3 June 1775
Letter from 默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦 inquiring whether Hannah has settled into her new home (her old home "now occupied by the boisterous sons of Mars") and noting that justice, 这是耐心所不能得到的, 自我否定, 请愿书, 而现在,在刺刀的枪口下,“是”被要求提出抗议的."
汉娜·温斯洛普的信 to 默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦, 23 June [1775]
汉娜·温斯洛普的信 sharing her gratitude that they have both married men who are interested in "not only pursuing the happiness of Mankind in general, but making happy Domestic life" and who "delight in forming our Ideas & 在沟通智力愉悦方面."
汉娜·温斯洛普的信 to 默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦, 17 August 1775
汉娜·温斯洛普的信 describing her dismay that General Gage had forced Boston residents to leave their homes without allowing them to take any possessions, and although he promised that Boston "should be the last place that would suffer harm" in return for protecting the troops on their return from Concord, 相反,“整个城镇化为灰烬。."
汉娜·温斯洛普的信 to 默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦, 30 September 1775
汉娜·温斯洛普的信 thanking her and her husband for finding them a place to live in Concord while Mr. 温斯洛普病好了. She shares her concerns over the state of affairs between England and the colonies and asks "How long shall these Tyrants reign & the poor oppressd inhabitants of America groan under the Iron Yoke?"
汉娜·温斯洛普的信 to 默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦, 5 November 1775
汉娜·温斯洛普的信 describing the "humble" house in Concord to which she and her husband 约翰·温斯洛普 recently moved to escape from the escalating conflict and dangers in Cambridge.
汉娜·温斯洛普的信 to 默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦, 13 December 1775
汉娜·温斯洛普的信 commiserating on the absence of their husbands and encouraging Mercy that "This is part of the imperfection of the present System & 我们必须努力和平地默许.".


汉娜·温斯洛普的信 to 默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦, 24 January 1776
汉娜·温斯洛普的信 describing the pleasure she derives from their correspondence, and expressing her hopes that "many… Britannia Sons who wish well to America"  will have their voices heard  "under the cruel restrictions of despotism," referring to reports in recently-arrived London newspapers of Parliamentary debates.
汉娜·温斯洛普的信 after the Seige of Boston has concluded rejoicing in spring and the expulsion of the British from Boston. Winthrop sings the praises of George Washington and discusses Thomas Paine's recently published pamphlet, 常识.
汉娜·温斯洛普的信 sent in gratitude for a recent meeting. 
汉娜·温斯洛普的信 about visiting Boston for the first time since the Seige.
汉娜·温斯洛普的信 to 默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦, circa August 1776
汉娜·温斯洛普的信 discussing the current situation as the newly-independent country organizes. 


汉娜·温斯洛普的信 to 默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦, 14 January 1777
汉娜·温斯洛普的信 discussing her "brighter View" in the New Year, 天文学, 以及革命后的情况.
Letter from 默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦 to 汉娜•温斯洛普 (letterbook copy), 4 August 1777
Letter from 默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦 inquiring after the health of her friends, wondering whether Mr. Winthrop is still teaching and noting that "every social enjoyment is interrupted and our ideas dwell much upon scenes of devastation...和血液."
汉娜·温斯洛普的信雄辩地说, "The noise of War can never drown the soft alluring Voice of Friendship", 讨论一般新闻, 她丈夫恢复了健康, 以及去普利茅斯做客的邀请. 
汉娜·温斯洛普的信 to 默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦, 22 October 1777
汉娜·温斯洛普的信 apologizing for an aborted visit on account of John Winthrop's having a cold and the weather not cooperating. Political matters are also addressed including commentary on the "Great General Washington!还有他“惊人的”辛劳. 
汉娜·温斯洛普的信 to 默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦, 11 November 1777
汉娜·温斯洛普的信 discussing being "delugd with British & Hessians" in Cambridge and reporting that General William Howe surrendered to George Washington.


汉娜·温斯洛普的信 discussing the effects of the war and the migration of "knowledge" moving westwards from the "eastern World." 
汉娜·温斯洛普的信 to 默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦, 4 February 1778
汉娜·温斯洛普的信 describing the "Luxurious manner" 在这 the British officers are living in Cambridge.
汉娜·温斯洛普的信 lamenting that the heat of summer prevents a journey 参观 her friend, discussing the continued presence of British troops and sending her a "Review,这句话给了她“极大的乐趣”."
汉娜·温斯洛普的信 to 默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦, 18 December 1778
汉娜·温斯洛普的信谈论科尔之死. 詹姆斯 Otis, their friendship, and the recent illness of her husband, 约翰·温斯洛普. 


Letter from 默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦 to 汉娜•温斯洛普 (letterbook copy), 24 May 1779
Letter from 默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦 offering condolences on the death of Hannah's husband, 约翰·温斯洛普.
汉娜·温斯洛普的信 to 默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦, 12 October 1779
汉娜·温斯洛普的信 discussing the departure of a recent houseguest (默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦's son Charles) and the hurt and pain resulting from the recent passing of her husband, 约翰·温斯洛普.


汉娜·温斯洛普的信 to 默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦, 17 January 1780
汉娜·温斯洛普的信, 表达她对沃伦友谊的感激, 祝她和她的丈夫长寿幸福, 并讨论当前的冬季条件.
汉娜·温斯洛普的信, 在这, 出自《og体育官网》, 孤独的沉默”, she bestows blessings on her children "in quest of the joys of social intercourse."
汉娜·温斯洛普的信 to 默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦, 1 September 1780
汉娜·温斯洛普的信, 描述寡妇的生活, 对他们继续保持的友谊表示进一步的感谢, and commenting on Warren's intention to write a "History of America."


汉娜·温斯洛普的信, 欢迎默茜的儿子的到来, 亨利•沃伦, 来到她的家里,恳求她的朋友来拜访.
汉娜·温斯洛普的信 reacting to the news that Warren has been ill. 


汉娜·温斯洛普的信 to 默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦, 16 January 1782
汉娜·温斯洛普的信 requesting her friend 参观 and expressing her disappointment at not having seen her for so long.


汉娜·温斯洛普的信 offering condolences (possibly for the death of Mercy's son, 查尔斯·沃伦, 1784年),并希望“倒入治愈的香膏”."


Letter from 默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦 to 汉娜•温斯洛普 (letterbook copy), 6 February 1789
Letter from 默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦 reporting that her life is very quiet and that she and her husband "have little to do with either the political, 伟大的世界还是渺小的世界."



与梅西·奥蒂斯·沃伦的通信. This manuscript collection consists of primarily of letters sent from 汉娜•温斯洛普 to 默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦 over the span of thirty years.  Winthrop’s letters to Warren illustrate the close-knit friendship of these two revolutionary women. 讨论的话题包括家庭, 疾病与死亡, the Siege of Boston and their displacement from Boston during the war, 在马萨诸塞州旅行, 政治, 文学与诗歌, 还有更多. This website presents 44 manuscript letters from Winthrop to Warren from the collection. 请注意, six typewritten transcriptions of letters from Warren to Winthrop, and two typewritten transcriptions of letters from 默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦 to Janet Montgomery, 在手稿收藏中吗, 但没有在这个网站上展示.

梅西·奥蒂斯·沃伦的论文. The full manuscript collection consists of three boxes of loose papers and one letterbook. The letters to 汉娜•温斯洛普 (featured on this web presentation) are from the 500-page letterbook containing 默西·奥蒂斯·沃伦’s outgoing correspondence for a thirty year period from 1777 to 1800. 在其他主题中, 沃伦写的是家人和朋友, 家庭生活, and 政治 and patriotism of the forming nation during the revolutionary period. Other highlights of the manuscript collection include fragments of Warren's dramatic writings and copies of her poems and letters, 还有她儿子写的日记, 温斯洛·沃伦, 在法国期间, 1781-1783, 和葡萄牙, 1784-1785.

Funding from the Massachusetts Society of the Cincinnati supported this project.
